How Long after Surgery can you Apply Heat?
It has been known for a long time that heat can help relieve pain and speed up the healing of injuries. But we are often …
For the physiotherapist by the physiotherapist
It has been known for a long time that heat can help relieve pain and speed up the healing of injuries. But we are often …
For any reason, you may need to run! Because It’s normal to run in everyday life. If you are an athlete, then running is very …
If you have severe ankle arthritis, you may need ankle fusion. But ankle fusion is not the solution to return to good condition. After performing …
I want to sleep but my body won’t let me! Unfortunately, many of us are suffering from this kind of problem. It could be because …
Even those with flat abs usually are to have some belly fat. However, excess abdominal fat negatively impacts health differently than other types of fat. …
It can be hard to sleep after having surgery on the abdomen. Still, getting enough sleep to help your body heal is more important than …
Home care after open heart surgery! As a patient of open heart surgery, you are searching for the process by which you can take care …
Tennis elbow, also called lateral epicondylitis, happens when the muscles in your forearm that attach to the outside of your elbow start to hurt. This …
The NHS recommends exercises as one of the main ways to treat tennis elbow because it can ease pain and stiffness and increase blood flow to your …
Tennis elbow hurts a lot, worsens over time, and may make it hard to sleep. It usually starts with pain that comes and goes, but …