Can you walk on a partially torn Achilles Tendon?

can you walk on a partially torn achilles tendon

Can you walk on a partially torn Achilles Tendon? Yes! You may still be able to walk though your Achilles tendon is partially torn! But it will be painful and may delay the healing of your partially torn Achilles tendon. If your Achilles tendon is completely torn, you may be unable to bear any weight … Read more

Broken vs Sprained Ankle: 6 Big differences!

Broken vs Sprained Ankle

Here we have discussed the broken and sprained ankle in a single post for yours! Broken vs sprained ankle is not an established, well-known medical term! Typically the general people search the term “Broken vs sprained ankle” on google! But many fresher medical students also search this term “Broken vs sprained ankle” to know about … Read more

How Long after Surgery can you Apply Heat?

How Long after Surgery can you Apply Heat

It has been known for a long time that heat can help relieve pain and speed up the healing of injuries. But we are often confused about using heat therapy after surgery! Confusing minds gathered some questions in our brains! Can we use heat therapy after surgery? If we can, then how long after surgery … Read more

Best Exercises after Ankle Fusion

Best Exercises after Ankle Fusion

If you have severe ankle arthritis, you may need ankle fusion. But ankle fusion is not the solution to return to good condition. After performing ankle fusion you should do some exercises. Without exercises, after ankle fusion, your ankle will not recover. Exercises after ankle fusion will help you strengthen your ankle, increase your ankle’s … Read more

3 Best Sleeping Positions after Abdominal Surgery

Sleeping Positions after Abdominal Surgery

It can be hard to sleep after having surgery on the abdomen. Still, getting enough sleep to help your body heal is more important than ever. Your body is, after all, getting used to a significant change. Here we have discussed the three best sleep positions after having abdominal surgery. Best Sleeping Positions after Abdominal … Read more